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English proofreading services

Congrats! Your document is almost ready for publication. You’ve written it, revised it, and had it professionally edited for grammar, style, flow, and logic. Before you self-publish it or submit it for publication, hire a professional proofreader to check your manuscript and fix any remaining errors.

I proofread only texts written in standard English—American and British. My areas of expertise are academic proofreading and technical proofreading.

  • Academic proofreading (business and economics, natural sciences)
    • Research articles
    • Dissertations, theses, job market papers
    • Research proposals, reports, and presentations
    • Courses
    • Books
  • Technical proofreading
    • Project management books and courses
    • Geology and geophysics materials

My English proofreading service comprises

  1. Correcting errors of grammar, syntax, and word usage
  2. Correcting mechanical errors (hyphenation, capitalization, punctuation, use of italic and bold font, format of endnotes and footnotes, etc.) to ensure the document conforms to publisher’s style guide or the client’s preferred editorial style (such as Chicago, APA, or AP)
  3. Formatting references according to the publisher’s style guide (optional)

If you think your document needs more work, please check my English language editing services.

If you’re not sure what editing or proofreading means, please read this article.

Proofreading cost